
Following the purchase of 8 acres of land in December, 1883 for the price of $240.00 from Mrs. L. White, the Beattie Union Cemetery was incorporated on Dec. 3, 1883. At a meeting of the 30 stockholders, held at the school house in Beattie, the following officers were elected to serve a term of two years: President: William Bell, Secretary: L. B. Cowen, Treasurer: J. T. Watkins. Others on the board were C. H. Potter, Dexter White, Robert Shields and William Spiller. Several lots in the northeast section were designated to be used for the burial of the poor. The price of lots was $10.00 and was later raised to $12.50. In March, 1930 a meeting of voters from Guittard Township and the two northern tiers of Rock Township met to form an association. A tax levy of $200.00 was budgeted to assist in the improvement of the Beattie Union and Life Cemeteries. At this time, an Endowment Fund was also established.

At the current time the Life and Beattie Union Cemeteries are governed by a board of 7 members elected to two year terms. Many of these board members are family members of those who have previously served as board members since the cemetery association was organized.


The Beattie Union Cemetery is located in the south half of Section 16 of Guittard Township, Marshall County, Kansas.

Contact Information

e-mail: beattieunion@gmail.com

Any other inquiries about burials or purchasing a lot can be sent to:

Joyce Feldhausen, Sec./Treas.
2166 Ridge Road
Frankfort, KS 66427